About Us
moreCountry of registration: Bulgaria
Company focus: Commerce, Imports
“TermoDesignTotal”Ltd. has founded in 1994 ,after joining the firms “ThermoDesign” and “Total”,wich were founded in 1990.
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TERMODESIGNTOTAL OOD (Ltd.) updated Legal entity: TERMODESIGNTOTAL 8 years, 6 months ago
“TermoDesignTotal”Ltd. has founded in 1994 ,after joining the firms “ThermoDesign” and “Total”,wich were founded in 1990. In the very begining the firm are developing especialy engineering activities,and after that,during 1996 has started small production line for electrical heating units and became sales representer of some leading Europian producers in this branch.”TermoDesignTotal” Ltd. has exclusive [...]